Privacy policy.
Our contact details
Name: Wakitu out-of-school-clubs
Email address:
Date: 15/03/2023
The type of personal information we collect
We currently collect and process the following information:
Facebook profile name (if we contact you or post to you)
Email address/Contact numbers
Pictures of our Wakitu group children
If an online application form is filled in this is stored electronically on encrypted, password protected computers.
Register of interest form and any information you choose to use
We are obliged to collect personal details as part of your child/rens registration form about your child/ren and yourself. We will also hold similar information for our staff
This will include,
Contact details for yourself and others
Relevant medical information
Parental responsibility
Any agencies involved with your child/ren
If we store any electronically shared information, it will be stored on an encrypted computer that is password protected.
How we get your personal information and how we use it
Most of the personal information we process is provided to us directly by you for one of the following reasons:
To contact us regarding a place for your child/ren in our Wakitu out of school clubs/ holiday clubs.
Register of interest
Directly from the child’s care giver
In our registration forms
Possible outside agencies
How it is used
To provide the best care for your child. This could be medically, dietary, or personal preference.
For emergency needs
If a child in our care needs medical assistance, we would need to share any relevant information with a medical practitioner.
The same would be for a member of our staff, the staff will also fill out forms to provide us with relevant information in case of emergencies that may also be shared with medical practitioners’ if required.
Where possible we will only share information with parent/carer consent. Although under the GDPR and Data protection act 2018 we may share information without consent where there is a lawful basis or safety risk. A record of any information will be kept.
Your consent.
You can remove your consent at any time. You can do this by contacting...
We do not share any information with other parties. *
*The only reason would be if we felt any threat or if a child’s life was in danger. Then we may share information with OFSTED or child protection services (including the police).
GDPR and data protection act 2018 do not prevent, or limit, the sharing of information for the purpose of keeping children and young people safe.
Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:
We have a legal obligation to collect information around our children and staff to ensure their safety and duty of care.
How we store your personal information
Your information is securely stored electronically on secure computers that are password protected and encrypted.
Your information, you provide via our Facebook page or Website is stored no more than one to three years. it is the electronically deleted.
We store children’s records as long as your child is in our care then they are destroyed Seven years from the child leaving year six.
Any records we keep for other safeguarding reasons will be kept up to six years or possibly indefinitely depending on the individual case. This will be yearly reviewed and advise will be sort on the amount of time required to store such information.
Under data protection law, you have rights including:
Your right of access - You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.
Your right to rectification - You have the right to ask us to rectify personal information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.
Your right to erasure - You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.
Your right to restriction of processing - You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
Your right to object to processing - You have the right to object to the processing of your personal information in certain circumstances.
Your right to data portability - You have the right to ask that we transfer the personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.
You are not required to pay any charge for exercising your rights. If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you.
Please contact us at if you wish to make a request.
Please contact us at:
Chanilee Schmidt:
Kerry Hirst:
Phone Number:07923446410
if you wish to make a request.
Tell people about their data protection rights. Their rights will differ depending on your lawful basis for processing, so once you know this then you can select the relevant sections from the text in the template below to include in your Privacy Notice. The lawful basis page of our Guide to the GDPR has a useful table that shows the varying rights that apply depending on the lawful basis.
How to complain
If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at:
Chanilee Schmidt:
Kerry Hirst:
You can also complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.
The ICO’s address:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Helpline number: 0303 123 1113 ICO website:
Guidance has been taken from HM Government, Information sharing. Advise for practitioners providing safeguarding services to children, young people parents and carers. Published 2018