Equal Opportunities Policy

Wakitu out-of-School and holiday clubs strive to always ensure we are fully inclusive. Regardless off socioeconomic backgrounds, race, religion, SEN, and gender discrimination. We pride ourselves on offering every child the opportunity to thrive within our clubs without discrimination. Our children are celebrated for being individuals.  

We do this through our admissions by: 

· Ensuring the existence of the club is widely known in all communities. 

· Making our Equal Opportunities Policy widely known. 

· Admitting children from the term after their 4th birthday until the end of primary school. 

· Requiring parents to complete a registration form. 

· Places are allocated on a first come, first served basis. 

· Arranging a waiting list when all 30 places are filled. 

· Providing opportunities for children with special needs. 

· Monitoring admissions to ensure no accidental discrimination has taken place. 

· Revising opening times to meet the needs of parents. 

· Working with parents to ensure any specific needs of a child are met. 

In our setting we will do this by: 

· Raising awareness of and promoting an understanding of differences and similarities between ourselves and others. 

· Respecting children and parents/carers for who they are and encouraging children to respect others. 

· Regularly liaising with parents to ensure families cultural needs are being understood and respected. 

· Ensuring all children are given the same opportunities at the club and any barriers identified are appropriately addressed. 

· Providing an environment which positively reflects the background and differing races, cultures, gender, abilities and experiences of children and families. 

· Try to ensure that toys/books etc provided reflect positive images of children and adults from different cultures and with different abilities. 

· Celebrating festivals to raise awareness of practices and customs of others. 

· Encouraging children to respect and value each other and discourage them from making hurtful or unkind remarks. 

· Helping children to understand it is wrong to judge someone because they are different. 

· Ensuring there are equal opportunities for children in all activities and gender stereotyping is discouraged.