Wakitu Kids Terms and Conditions
Partnership with Parents/Carers
Wakitu out-of-School Clubs recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents/carers to promote the best interests of children. We respect you know your child the best and are here to help provide the best quality childcare for your child for you to fulfil your daily commitments. We will always be open to discuss anything you feel pertinent to your child’s care and aim to meet all requirements. Our door is always open for parents and carers to come and discuss anything, large or small, about your child with us.
To achieve this, we will follow our standard conditions as stated below:
Food and Dietary Requirements:
Wakitu out-of-School clubs recognise the need to encourage healthy eating habits from an early age to help children to reach their full potential in terms of growth and development. Upon registration, parents/carers are required to inform us of any food allergies or intolerances. This will be considered when planning menus.
Our meal options vary and include the following options. Please alert staff to any options your child does not like, eat, or has any allergies towards. Treats will be included on days like ‘Fun Fridays’ or special occasions, like birthdays, holidays etc.
Welfare of the Child:
We will do all that is reasonable to safeguard and promote your child’s welfare. Our After School Club will work with children, parents, and the community to ensure the welfare and safety of children.
Any question, concern or complaint about the care or safety of a child must be made in the first instance to the After School Club Leader or Club Manager. We set high expectations of how we provide good quality childcare for children in our care.
We always have an open door for any parents/carers that feel they need to discuss any concerns with us.
We welcome comments and suggestions on how we can improve the service. All comments and complaints will be taken seriously and dealt with fairly and confidentially. The complaints procedure can be found on our parent notice board within the setting or our website within the complaints policy. Policies can also be emailed or printed and handed to parents.
Wherever possible, children who are prescribed medication should receive their dose at home. If it is necessary for medication to be taken during sessions at the club, children should be encouraged to take responsibility for this, where this is appropriate. Parents/carers and staff should discuss such situations at the earliest possible opportunity and decide together on the best course of action. Parents / carers are required to notify the Preschool if your child is absent from the After School Club by 10am on the day the child is due to attend. The Out-of- School Club staff cannot administer any medicine to a child unless prescribed by a doctor and presented in its original packaging. You will be asked to sign the necessary form of consent prior to any medication being given.
To ensure the Child’s welfare and happiness, the parent / carer must disclose any medical condition, health problem or allergy affecting the child, any concerns about the child’s safety or wellbeing, or any family circumstances or court order which might affect the child at the time of the application or as soon as it is known whilst the child remains at the setting.
Safeguarding Children:
At Wakitu Kids Out-of-School and Holiday Clubs we take our children’s safety as our upmost priority. As we have daily contact with children, we make sure we can carefully detect any concerns of any of our children’s welfare. All staff are safe- guarding trained in detecting any concerns of any signs of abuse, neglect, changes to a child’s behaviour. All sensitive information will keep Confidential. We will work with any outside agencies to ensure children in our care are safeguarded.
All the staff will be trained to understand that child abuse can be present itself in many forms. Divulging confidential information relating to the Out-of-School Club, its employees, children, or parents/carers to any third party is considered a breach of confidence and, as such, is regarded instituting gross misconduct which could lead to summary dismissal from employment for staff or cancellation of a Club Out-of-School placement. Social media is not a secure way to discuss a child. Parents / carers can contact the preschool via email, phone or in person. The Out-of-School Clubs Facebook page is for information purposes only. If your child does not arrive at a booked ASC session and we have not been advised of their non-attendance by you the parent, we will begin our Missing Child Procedure. Wakitu are obligated to report any suspected child abuse or neglect to the relevant authorities.
Movement of Children Between Buildings (Wilthorpe Primary School):
Due to the layout of our facilities, with Reception to Year 2 in the Moon Building and Year 3 to Year 6 in the Stars Building, there may be times when we will walk children from the Moon Building to the Stars Building in breakfast Club. This is primarily to accommodate the differing start times of the school day and to ensure that parents can still benefit from our breakfast club services regardless of these time differences. Our staff will supervise the children at all times during these transitions to ensure their safety. By enrolling your child in our club, you acknowledge and agree to this arrangement.
Every child attending Wakitu out-of-school clubs will be subject to sessional fees. These will be pre-bookable child places and require priorpayment to attendance. These will be available to book through our magic booking system. All booking must be made through All bookings must be made through https://wakitu.magicbooking.co.uk
All bookings must be paid for at time of booking unless card instalment plan is selected at time of booking, or you are paying by Childcare Vouchers/Tax Free Childcare. The person making the booking accepts the booking conditions on behalf of the account holder.
All bookings must be made given the deadlines, which will be the day before the session is due to take place, unless discussed with senior staff and agreed in emergencies where care may be provided at short notice, subject to available places and child/staff ratios, this will be billed.
Each child will require a registration form prior to attending Wakitu Out-of- School clubs to ensure all relevant information is provided from parent/carer.
A yearly update for these forms will be required. Parents/carers must be vigilant at keeping any important information up to date in between. Fees will not be refunded or waived for absence through sickness or any other reason. This rule is necessary so that the club can properly budget for its own outgoings which continue whether or not all children are present and to ensure that the cost of individual default does not fall on other parents. If the Club has to be closed due to any reason beyond the control of the Out-of-School Club, such as power failure or adverse weather conditions, no compensation will be paid, or refund given. Fees are reviewed annually and so any increases will only occur once during the year. Any such increase will be notified by Wakitu at least one term in advance of the increase being applied. Fees are payable during periods of absence from the Out-of-School Club, including sickness and any holidays taken when the Out-of-School Club is open. Any parent(s)/Carers having financial difficulties, or a change of circumstances should discuss this in confidence with the Out-of-School Club Leader or Manager.
Cancellation Notice and Charges:
It is the account holder’s responsibility to cancel sessions.
Any booked sessions which are not attended are still charged unless 48 hours’ notice is given.
• Parents must inform the Club by email if their children are arriving late at after school club due to attending an extra-curricular club.
• For Breakfast and After School clubs we are not able to swap sessions unless the 14 days’ notice is given.
• Holiday booking day swaps can only be made subject to availability and with a minimum of 7 days’ notice of the session you want to change. This must be done by email to the Club.
Any booked sessions which are not attended are still charged.
All bookings must be made prior to arriving onsite. If you arrive at a site and have not booked your child will not be accepted until a booking is made.
• It is the parents’ responsibility to inform the school if their child is attending after school club.
• It is the parents’ responsibility to let the school know of any late cancellations.
Unpaid Fees:
Fees will be paid upon making a booking on Magicbooking. If sessions are booked on short notice and unpayable on our system, an invoice will be sent out to the parents. If fees remain unpaid and go into arrears, Wakitu has the right to deny the child a place at the Out-of-School Club and a late payment fee of £10.00 will be applied to your account. We understand and will exercise our statutory right to claim interest and compensation for debt recovery costs under the late payment legislation [Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998] if we are not paid according to agreed credit terms.
Late Collection:
The Preschool arranges staffing to cover normal hours and seeks to recover those and all other costs through the normal fee arrangements. The Out-of-School Club do not provide cover outside the normal working hours of the Out-of-School Club. Whilst the Club seeks to provide some cover in emergencies, a charge of £8 per 15 minutes will be applied to all collections made after the advertised session end time.
Wakitu does not accept responsibility for accidental damage or loss of property. Parents are requested to label all children’s clothing, including all outer wear, and that you keep your child’s personal items to a minimum. On request, Wakitu will endeavour to return items that can be identified. Postage costs of lost property are the responsibility of the parent. Unclaimed Breakfast and After School Club lost property will be distributed to local charities at the end of each half term. Holiday Club lost property will be distributed to local charities two weeks after the school holiday.
Wakitu occasionally take photographs and videos at our venues which can be used for marketing and promotional purposes, including on social media. If you would rather your child was not included in any photographs, please ensure your child’s details are up to date. We adhere strictly to your preferences. You should also be aware that parents are requested to not use mobile phones within the setting or to take pictures of their children whilst they are inside the setting. Staffare also not allowed to use mobile phones whilst working and all phones are locked securely away.
Wakitu Club makes sure to maintain insurances required by law. Details of these are available from the Club Manager or Deputy Manager. Copies of the current Wakitu Ltd. Employer’s Liability and Public Liability Insurance Policies are displayed on the notice board at each of our settings.
Data Protection:
It is a legal requirement for Wakitu Ltd. to hold information about children using the Out-of-School Club and its staff. Basic information is used for registers, invoices and for emergency contacts; however, all records are held securely. Wakitu collect personal details for you and your child to register and enable us to process your booking. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary permission to pass on the personal details of everyone required. Wakitu may hold some of your details for future marketing purposes. Please let us know if you do not want to receive future communication from Wakitu.
For Wakitu policies and procedures, please visit: https://www.wakitu-kids.co.uk
Parents must agree to the terms and conditions of our booking system to book with us.
It is the parent / carer’s responsibility to ensure that staff are aware of who will be collecting your child. No child will be allowed to leave the building with anyone, known or not, without prior notification from the Parent/Carer with legal responsibility for the child. We ask if someone other than the Parent/Carer will be collecting your child to please make the club aware prior to the collection we will also request where possible for a password.
Parent Abuse of staff:
The threat or use of physical violence, verbal abuse, intimidation, or harassment towards our staff is likely to result in a termination of all direct contact. Such incidents may be reported to the police, and this will always be the case if physical violence is used or threatened.
Wakitu does not accept liability for personal injury or death of any participants unless directly caused by the proven negligence of the company or its servants. Wakitu take no responsibility for any items that are lost/stolen or damaged at the club.
Legal Contract:
The offer of a place and its acceptance by parents gives rise to a legally binding contract on the terms of these Terms and Conditions and the Policies and Procedures of Wakitu Ltd trading as Wakitu Kids Out-of-School & Holiday Club. It is important that parents and staff adhere to those terms, any queries about them should be raised with the Club Manager and/or the Business Manager.
I, the parent (s)/carer with parental responsibility of the child named agree that I
Understand that childcare is between the hours stated upon booking and registration
Will notify the provider of my child’s absence and the reason will be recorded in the register
Fee’s will remain payable if my child is absent due to sickness or holiday
Will give one half terms written notice by letter or email if I no longer require the settings place
Understand that knowingly providing false information to secure payment of money not
lawfully due is a criminal offence and will be referred to the relevant authorities.
Terms and Conditions continued
I, the Childcare Provider will:
• Provide the allocated hours with no additional costs.
Wakitu kids and Wakitu are trading names of Wakitu Ltd. Established in 2022, Company number: 13892321