Behaviour Management Policy

At Wakitu Out-of-School clubs we have high expectations of appropriate behaviour of children attending our clubs. This includes behaviour during sessions and how children conduct themselves around school on their way to their classes. 

We apply simple rules fairly and consistently. Under no circumstances is physical punishment ever used. We aim to provide a happy, caring environment with challenging activities. In the case of a particular incident or persistent unacceptable behaviour, we always discuss ways forward with parents/carers. 

We will use positive reinforcement and always try to defuse negative feelings/behaviour. 

The procedures we follow are: 

· We will promote children’s self-esteem. We believe in positive interactions: 

Attention, approval, and praise building self-esteem will help a child to feel valued and included. 

· We will work together with the children to develop clear rules and boundaries. If a child has clear warnings and staff try to diffuse behaviour. Parents/carers will be informed of unwelcomed behaviours. Verbally and vai our magic books system. Children will be given time to cool down and speak to staff. We will always be fair and listen to the child. 

  • All staff will aim to be a positive role model and set a good example for children in how they speak and act. 

  • Good behaviour will be rewarded as it encourages further effort and is constructive. 

  • We will encourage children to take responsibility for their own actions and manage their own behaviour. 

  • Realistic boundaries will be set depending on children’s age and stage of development. 

  • Parents will be informed regularly of all types of behaviour, both good and challenging. 

  • Bullying will not be tolerated in any circumstance. It will be managed as stated below. 



Managing unwanted behaviour 


If a child demonstrates unacceptable behaviour we will: 

  • Remove the child from the situation 

  • Not humiliate or isolate the child. 

  • Speak clearly and firmly to keep control. 

  • Make clear it is the behaviour, which is unacceptable, not the child. 

  • Explain why the behaviour is unacceptable. 

  • If the situation persists after two warnings, ask the child to sit quietly for a few minutes to calm down.  

  • Ask the child to apologise where appropriate. 

  • Once they have calmed down, they will be given the opportunity to re-join the activity they were doing. 

  • After the incident has been dealt with the child will be given a fresh start. It’s a learning opportunity. 

  • No form of physical restraint will be used unless there is a risk to themselves or others. 




Bullying is intentional tormenting in physical, verbal, or psychological ways, typically repeated over time. It can range from hitting, shoving, name calling, threats and mocking to extorting money or treasured possessions. 

It is important to act quickly. The effects can be serious and affect children’s self-worth and future relationships. 

Signs that indicate bullying may be taking place are: 

  • Child is easily distressed 

  • Cried easily 

  • Disruptive 

  • Aggressive 

  • Fearful 

  • Possessions show signs of damage 

  • Poor appetite 

  • Secretive 

  • Money/possessions “lost” 









Procedures for dealing with bullying within Wakitu out-of-School Clubs: 

We acknowledge that bullying is very serious, and we will act immediately with care and consideration to resolve the situation. We make it very clear to all children that bullying will not be tolerated. 

· We provide a supportive environment in which children can talk to adults openly. 

· We will help children who have been bullied to become more assertive and have their security, self-esteem and self-worth increased. 

· Parents will be involved in any discussion or developments which may occur. 

· The anti-bullying policy is made available for all parents/carers to read.