Accident and Incident Policy

Waktiu out-of-School clubs, try to ensure that we reduce the risk of accidents/incidents occurring in our setting. 

Risk assessments are carried out to minimise risk or harm coming to children, staff and visitors to the club. 

However, due the nature of our business, some accidents/incidents may occur. 

Child/adult injury 

Depending on the injury or nature of the accident, first aid will be administered. If necessary, parents and emergency services will be contacted. 

An assessment of the incident and how it happened will be carried out to ensure this does not happen again. 

If a serious injury/incident occurs, we will contact social services and the Health and Safety Executive to enable a thorough investigation to take place. 


In the event of an emergency our primary concern will be to ensure that both children and colleagues are kept safe. If you are involved or caught up in an incident, please follow the below procedure. 

An incident within proximity to your club location 

  • Head count and register of all children and colleagues to be carried out. 

  • A member of colleague must call the police 999 immediately for further advice, which should be followed (explain you are calling from a club within your school location and tell them how many children and colleagues are present) 

  • If caretakers or school colleagues are on site work together to lock down the site, your priority is the children in your care. 

  • In case of any doubt, there should be no movement and wait for the police to arrive to contain and manage the situation. 

  • Call parents/carers to update on current events 

  •  parents are not advised to come to the setting, unless asked to by colleagues after being given the go ahead by emergency services. 

  • Keep parents updated when possible. 

  • Children should be protected from information or images that may alarm or distress them. Ensure children are constantly reassured. 

An incident within your club’s region 

  • Ensure children are registered and safe within the club indoor facilities. 

  • Colleagues to call parents/carers to reassure and advise collection of their children. 

  • Colleagues to keep in mind parents/carers may work in the affected area and may not be able to get to the club to pick up on time.  

  • Two colleagues must stay with the children. 

  • When possible, keep in touch with parents with updates. 


In the event of an intruder on site 

  • Colleagues to call the Police 999 immediately (explain you are calling from a club within your school location and tell them how many children and colleagues are present). 

  • Lockdown the club and assemble children and colleagues together in a safe area and lock/barricade the doors if possible. 

  • Register and headcount the children and colleagues. 

  • Comfort and reassure the children. 

  • In case of doubt, there should be no movement and wait for the police to arrive to contain and manage the situation. 

Procedure for parents  

The care of your child is paramount, if we are caught up or involved in an incident, the club will comply fully with the instructions from the emergency services and constantly reassure the children in our care. Please do not attempt to come to the setting, unless asked to collect your child, as this may put you or your child at greater risk. Wakitu will keep you informed of actions taken when safe to do so. 

If you are caught up or involved in an incident, we will continue to care for your child until you are able to return or a person from the pickup list can collect them. We will try our best to keep in contact via landline, mobile or e-mail. Please ensure all contact information is kept up to date.